Secret World Legends: Costume guide pt.1

Costume Guide

Secret World Legends has a ton of neat costumes you can wear. Most of them require you to do different quests and things though. So I'll give you a list of costumes that you need achievements to get. And how to do them

Atenist Garb

The Atenist Garb is a costume that you get after completing Tier 4 in Egypt's main quest. Black Sun Red Sand.

Assassin Outfit

The Assassin outfit you can get by either choosing that as your starting class. Or unlocking Blade and Elemental.

Dandy Hell Raiser.

You get this costume by getting the Achievement :"Tonight we dine in hell." Which you get by completing all the Hell dungeons

Demolisher Costume

You get this costume by either by selecting Demolisher as your starting class. Or unlocking Blade and Hammer.

Demonskin Coat.

This outfit you can get by beating the dungeon Hell Raised on Nightmare mode.

Guise of the Revenant

This costume you can get be completing all the quests and Legendary Monsters in Kingsmouth.
And there we go! This is some of the achievement costumes you can get. There is more though that will be added in part two and whatnot


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