Secret World Legends: Hell Fallen Dungeon

Hell Fallen Dungeon

Hell Fallen is the 5th dungeon and is located in The City of the Sun God In the beginning of the dungeon, you''ll notice some wind. This wind damages and silences you, so make sure you stop in places that block the wind when you have to attack mobs. The wind blows left to right, so huddle together on the right side of walls and stuff.


This is the first boss, it has 77k health and is a fairly easy boss fight, well at at least compared to the others in the dungeon. He will start to summon turrets to heal him, so you'll want to take those out of the way and when he gets to about 60% health he will start throwing fire bombs that do tons of AoE damage so you'll want to stay clear of those 

Arch Myrmidon

This boss will come with adds that you'll want to take care of quickly or else they'll start to protect him so he won't take any damage. 


This boss has 97k health and will spawn adds and tons of fire bombs before the Boss even comes onto the field. You'll want to take care off all of the adds then dodge some more bombs. She'll then come and start to spawn adds. DPS should take care of the adds while tank should take care of the boss.

The Ascendant 

This boss will start out as a bunch of adds, kill those and the fight will start. He'll attack you like normally and sandstorms will spawn, you'll want to hide behind a pillar at that point. He'll also spawn more adds at the middle of the fight. And will also spawn lighting bubbles, you'll want to stay away from those


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