Secret World Legends: Strangers From a Strange Land quest

Strangers from a Strange Land

And here's another quest for you! Another investigation quest too. Fun. You get this quest from Red in the Savage Coast at 153, 869. First thing you'll want to do is turn around and find a map on the wall. Now you get this quest in the Savage Coast but you need to go to Blue Mountain. Once you click the map it will give you an image like this 

Now, you'll want to go to the southern R runestone, now once you get there you should examine the runestone and after you do that you'll see two ravens fly onto the runestone. Then listen to the raven on the left then listen to the one of the right. After that go counter clockwise to the 2nd runestone and do the same, listening to the two ravens. Keep going counter clock wise and go to the third runestone. The ravens will ask you a riddle. The answer is fog. Go counter clockwise to the 4th runestone, the answer is Shield. Go counter clockwise to the 5th runestone the answer is Ale. Keep going to the 6th runestone answer is cow. You keep going to the 7th runestone and talk to the crows. They will give you some dialog and then, Congrats! You did the quest


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