Secret World Legends: Aleksei Chetyre Boss

Aleksei Chetyre

This is the last and main boss in the Slaughter House dungeon located in the Carpathian Fangs zone in Transylvania. It is an elite dungeon since you have to be level 50 to run it. The last boss is a tricky one and will take multiple tries if you do the wrong thing.


The first thing that's going to happen is you'll see an ice soldier. It'll do a punch of attacks and this is what you're going to want to watch out for. Don't stand on the platform it'll do massive ice damage to you, so try to use ranged or wait for him to come off of the platform. He'll also throw ice grenades that will deal massive damage, over time damage and slow you down, making it harder to dodge more so again watch out for those ones. He'll also target you so there's a red circle around you, want to be careful about your other group members circles. You'll take damage to matter what, but if you stand in someone else's you'll both take double the damage. Another thing He'll do is shoot an ice beam, when he does this you'll either want to run, or if you get hit you'll want to have another one of your group members to get you out before you die. He'll then break open the floor and you'll come to a large bloody place. You'll fight a flesh monster with only 72k healthc so take care of his uber quick and ignore the adds. 


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