Secret World Legends Filth Scenario

Filth Scenario

Alright, so after the Whispering Tide event in Agartha. The first zone of Tokyo was added into the game on the 16th of August. Sad part is to actually get to Tokyo you need to do a special scenario. Then everyone's favorite thing, jump puzzles! Hooray! Long story short the Scenario is pretty difficult, and frustrating. Makes all the other normal scenarios look like a nice walk through Kingsmouth.

Scenario Mechanics

Right, the fun part. Once you get inside the scenario before you even go into the battle area you'll want to use any buffs you have, potions food, whatever. Make sure your anima is completely restored, you do not want to go in there with a pink bar. Not at all. Once you get all that situated you'll just go straight into the battle. The first stage will start, which will be fairly easy. Kill the baddies, dodge the AoEs, heal your self if you have heals. Then the fun part comes. A giant filth hound will spawn with fairly good health. You'll want to take care of that, easy to dodge, but if you don't take him out in 30 seconds more baddies will start spawning, this is where it gets tricky. A new type of filth guy will spawn. Bunch of spiders that will trap you in webs, while also dealing damagae to you, if you get stuck in one of those while they surround you? You're done. Done done done done done. You'll want to either attack from range, use stuns or spam dodge as much as possible, once that stage is over a mini Winged Bird of the zero point pathogen will spawn. This part is a cake walk, dodge easy attacks, take him out he has fairly low health and boom, scenario completed.


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