Secret World Legends: Halina Ilyushin Boss Fight

Halina Ilyushin Boss Fight

This fight is the fight at the very end of the Facility Dungeon located in Transylvania area that you can play when you get to level 50. Making it an Elite dungeon. This boss fight is a very difficult one though. With odd mechanics and whatnot. You have to pay your whole attention to this boss fight or you'll fail


The first stage is fairly easy. She has low health but deals tons of damage. She'll first spawn a bunch of flith hounds. Have the dps focus on the main boss and the tank focus on the filth hounds instead. She'll also spawn filth adds that are easy enough to take care of and will do an AoE attack on the ground. Another thing she'll do is go over to the left and spread filth everywhere, you'll want to dodge that but the healer should be ready anyways. Last thing She'll do is pull in a ranged player and deal massive damage to then. You'll either want to all stay close to deal damage, or have a healer focused on the dps that was taken in

Stage 2

The boss will transform into a giant filth monster. Spreading filth while she walks, her health will be all the way back up, dealing more damage She does AoE attacks and spawns filth adds, also she has a frontal attack that will insta kill you if you dont get out of the way


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