Darksouls 3 Halflight Spear of the Church Boss Fight

Halflight Spear of the Church

This is the second to last required bossfight in the Ringed city DLC of Darksouls 3 and is famous for being a PVP boss which is why I'd suggest going offline when fighting this boss if you aren't used to Darksouls 3 PVP. Although, online Halflight of the church is not all like normal Darksouls3 PVP you'll do throughout the game. When you go into the fight you can of course summon phantoms to help you through the fight which will make the pvp part easier. But when you confront the main boss online it will 99% of the time be another player. Their health will be displayed on a boss bar, they will be given more health and strength to be a proper boss. They will also be given different abilities they can use, summoning a line of spears across the ground and such.


The Halflight boss room is located right after your second encounter with Darkeater midir, you go down the elevator then you'll see a door, open that for a shortcut back to one of your earlier bonfires. Then just go back to where the elevator brought yo uand there will be a door outside and in the disance will be a church, Just walk there. Thats the bossfight room.

Offline Bossfight

For the offline bossfight you walk in, (without summons, since it's offline.) and you'll see a giant in the back, kill him. If you dont he'll be summoning adds throughout the fight. Although he will summon one add in the start of the fight but if you dont kill him he'll summon more. Kill the add (The Church Guardian) hopefully before the main boss spawns. Halflight spear of the church. Now since it's offline this isnt another player. It's an npc, she acts a lot like other npc fights do in the game except she has the Frayed Blade which is able to fire a straight burst of dark magic in any direction, has a lot of health and can summon lighting spears in any direction as well. She can be parried too.

Alright, that's the Halflight Spear of the Church Bossfight. Killing that one will allow you to move to the last boss of the game. Slaveknight Gael.


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