Darksouls 3 How to Beat Iudex Gundyr with a Dagger

Iudex Gundyr with a Dagger

Iudex Gundyr is the first boss and probably the easiest boss of Darksouls three. And here I'll show you my best strategy to kill him with a dagger easy. I have a video here of me killing him with a dagger if you want to see that. And to a tutorial on how to kill him normally, check here.

Now there's I believe two classes in Darksouls 3 that use daggers. The Sorcerer class and the Thief class. Though we'll be using the Thief since it has a bleed effect which will help a lot in this fight. Now what will help a lot is to parry him which is very easy once you do it a few times and get the hand of it, you can watch me parry him in the video above to get the timing right (Even though I do miss once or twice.)

Try running past all the enemies if you can so you don't have to risk using up some of your estus early. Go into the boss room and take the coiled sword out of his gut. Because of the daggers low weight you'll be able to hit him a few times before he gets up and deals a bit of damage to him, after that you should be able to parry him at most twice before he goes into phase two, at phase two circle around him counter clockwise hitting him with your dagger, one handing it because of its faster move set. And that's how you defeat Iudex Gundyr with a dagger


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