Darksouls Gaping Dragon Boss Tutorial

Gaping Dragon

The Gaping Dragon is the boss of the Depths are in Darksouls. Once you kill the Gaping Dragon he drops the key to blighttown which is one of the two ways you can get to Blighttown, the other way being through the Valley of Drakes. The Gaping Dragon boss is fairly early game. At this point in the game this is probably the biggest and strongest boss you've encountered at this point.

 Luckily for you there's some NPCs you can summon. If you met Solaire of Astora and Knight Lautrec in the Undead Burg then you'll be able to summon them. Their summon signs will be next to the staircase leading down to the gaping dragon boss fight. And of course if you find any player summons you might want to use those rather than the npcs.

When you get into the boss room the Gaping Dragon will come out from the pit at the very end of the boss room and charge you. The best idea in this fight is to attack his tail and the back of him, mostly because his open rib cage will attack you and charge you. Also if you attack his tail eventually it'll fall off and give you the Dragon King Greataxe, which is a pretty good weapon if you have high strength. 

When the dragon charges you'll want to back away, even if you aren't in front of him, the sides of him can still hurt you when he charges. One of the attacks he can do is he'll spew brown foam all over the room, you'll want to get as far away from that as you can, it'll start doing damage to you.

In conclusion, this boss isn't too hard if you just be careful and do those small bits of damage on his tail while you can. Don't be greedy and try his upper body, that's how you get yourself killed. If there any other boss fights you want me to cover let me know in the comments below 


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