Darksouls Moonlight Butterfly Boss Tutorial


Moonlight Butterfly

The Moonlight Butterfly is an early game optional boss in Darksouls. You can find it in Darkroot garden up a tower past a few Stone Golems and tree monsters. If you're human you can summon Witch Beatrice to aid you in the fight, her summon sign is right under the stairs leading up to the Moonlight Butterfly

This boss is unique in the way that it's the only boss of it's kind in this entire game. Instead of a giant demon you have to fight, it's a... well. Butterfly in the sky. Now if you used pyromancies or have a bow, it'll be very useful in this fight

Instead of the Moonlight butterfly being down for you to hit, it's in the sky shooting sorceries at you. Basically you just have to dodge her attacks till a little while later she stops and rests at the bottom of the bridge, this is where you attack her. Deal as much damage as you can, if you do it right you can get her by the second time she rests.
Well there really isn't much left to say about this boss, it's fairly easy and straightforward.


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