Darksouls Ornstein and Smough Boss Guide

Ornstein and Smough

Ornstein and Smough is the boss of Anor Londo. The boss fight consists of two knights, Ornstein and Smough, surprising I know. Ornstein and Smough are known to be one of the hardest boss fights in all of darksouls. You can find Ornstein and Smough inside the cathedral at the end of the long bridge in Anor londo, if you've already done everything to get there then you can go straight in. When you enter the boss fight you'll see the two knights, Ornstein and Smough. 

Ornstein being the smaller Lion Knight with the spear is much more agile and quick than his counterpart Smough. Ornstein will charge right at you int he beggining of the boss fight and will continue to do so through out the fight, using his spear to follow you and punish estus drinking. While Ornstein continues to get up close on you with his spear, be careful of the larger knight Smough. 

Smough is a giant knight with disturbing armor, and an even more disturbing great hammer nearly the size that you are. Smough is the heavier of the two, as well as the slowest. But will quickly close the gap between you and him with large jumping and charging attacks with his great hammer.

 Whoever you choose to fight first, here's my advice to you. Stay close, know their weakness, don't be greedy. As far as weaknesses go, the two are complete opposites. Smough is greatly weak to lightning, but resists fire. For Orntein he's weak to fire but resists lightning as you might guess.

Focus one one, don't damage the other. When you kill one of the knights, the other knight will absorb the deceased knight's soul. Making himself much stronger and larger, as well as regaining any lost health back. As well as loosing their weaknesses, so pyromancies on Ornstein and Miracles on Smough might not be the best idea at this point. As for what you should do on this fight it's just the advice I gave you before minus the bit about weaknesses. Stay close, and don't be greedy.

I hope this guide helped you out in any way, may it be helping you kill the boss or convincing you to summon in for help. If you feel like I left anything out or have any other bosses you'd like me to do a guide on let me know in the comments below.


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