My Thoughts on Nioh

My Thoughts on Nioh Oni Demon mini boss in Nioh Nioh is an Action RPG game that came out for PS4 on February 7th 2017. But hit PC lovers everywhere on November 7th 2017 with it's unexpected release on steam. Nioh is a Darksouls like game based in old Japan, full of Magic, War, and Monsters. Now just because Nioh may be described as a Darksouls Like game does not mean it's a Darksouls copy. It's clear that they took inspiration from Darksouls on many game mechanics, but Nioh has a bunch of really awesome and unique game mechanics of it's own that completely make it it's own game. If you want to hear about those check out my previous Nioh blog post . My thoughts on Nioh. I'm a huge Darksouls fan, I know the Darksouls 3 controls like the back of my hand, so the fact that Nioh has almost backwards controls than Darksouls, A to roll and dash. B to interact with items, had almost gotten me not to play Nioh. I kept on playing through the first stage, a...