Mario Odyssey Review

Mario Odyssey Review 

Mario Odyssey is the newest Mario game that just came out for the Nintendo Switch and is currently being praised as a perfect game. I'd have to agree with most of the things there. The gameplay is good, you know, like all of the newer 3d Marios do. Good graphics for a mario game and a cool concept. My only thing I have against the game really is the fact that it might as well be Mario Galaxy 3. 

The Mario Galaxy games were a couple of 3d Mario games for the Nintendo Wii, and very similar to Mario Odyssey. With the similar concept. In past mario games power ups and such were just to help you to get through a level if you happend to find them. But with both Mario Galaxy and Mario Odyssey there is certain power ups through out each level that you need in order to get through the level, and each level having one or two unique bossfights. The only difference is Mario Galaxy did this with actual items you pick up, where sometimes you even turn into different creatures. And Mario Odyssey just happened to do this with Mario's hat, since its such a recognizable icon in gaming today
Image result for mario galaxy 2

As well as Mari Odyssey's two player option where somebody can play as Cappy and pick up coins, Mario Galaxy did that first with a second player able to pick up the games currency. And for going around and collecting a certain kind of item to get to another level, and levels changing once you go back. That was done in Super Mario Sunshine. Speaking of Mario Sunshine one of the creatures you can turn into Mario Odyssey uses the exact same mechanic as you do to fly around in Super Mario Sunshine. I'm not saying any of these things are bad. I think Mario Odyssey is a great game, I just wish it was more unique 


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