Dark Souls 3 Pontiff Sulyvahn

Pontiff Sulyvahn

The Pontiff is the first boss of Irithyl, right before Aldrich in Anor Londo, Pontiff Sulyvahn in my opinion is the first boss in the game that marks the harder parts of Darksouls Three (Unless you go to Irithyl Dungeon first). And after Pontiff is one of the harder, or hardest bosses in the game, in my opinion.

To get to the boss fight, from the Church of Yorshka Bonfire go downstairs through the tunnel, go to the left and go through the hole in the way, keep going forward till you get outside, from there take a left and go down the stairs, then head under the bridge and just run forward then left at the first arch. 
There will be a few spider guys, just attack them and run through the room, heading up the stairs, you'll find yourself in a room with a Black Night, fight him and be careful of the one shooting arrows from the balcony, so go behind the convenient wall to dodge the arrows. Keep then run out of the room towards the outside and just book it, you'll be attacked with magic, dogs will follow you, but just book it, go up some stairs and eventually you'll get to the boss room, keep running, go open a gate, then go along the edges of the gate and you'll be back at the Church of Yorshka bonfire, so you can use that shortcut from now on. 

Now onto the actual fight, going in there you'll need to take a few steps for him to do anything, he'll come at you, spinning around with his two swords, he does a lot of spinning and lunging attacks, very agile so be careful. at different points he'll explode with purple, causing damage but also making a purple clone of himself that has less health but does about everything he does


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