Darksouls 3 Champion Gundyr Boss Fight

Champion Gundyr

Champion Gundyr is a secret boss in Darksouls 3, just like The Nameless King Boss in the secret zone the Untended Graves, which looks exactly like the Cemetery of Ash location, except much darker. Champion Gundyr himself is modeled off the first boss in the game Iudex Gundyr except darker, and with red eyes. Champion Gundyr himself is a lot harder than Iudex Gundyr, stronger, more health, and much much faster.I didnt have much trouble with the boss since I used the Dragonslayers Greataxe, it has a weapon art that brings down a large pillar of lightning, doing a bunch of damage to Gundyr.


To actually get to the Untended Graves zone you have to beat Oceiros The Consumed King, once dead in the far end of his bossroom with be an illusionary wall, behind the wall you'll need to kill a few Man Serpent enemies, and then you'll drop down off of a ledge, bringing you to the Untended Graves location, now you should know where to go from here since it looks just like the Cemetery of Ash, where you start the game, just with harder enemies, keep going till you get to the fog gate, and then there's Champion Gundyr's boss room.

Boss Fight

The boss fight it's self is almost exactly the same as Iudex Gundyr's, stay close at first, dodge through his attacks, hit twice then get ready to roll again, once at half health he's transform and grow filth out of his limbs, at this point keep distance, once he attacks roll into it, then once he's behind you use pyromancy or firebombs, keep doing this and you should have him down in no time


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