Darksouls 1 Simple Beginner Guide.


Darksouls 1, though you'll normally hear it simply called Darksouls is first game in the Darksouls trilogy, not counting Demon's Souls. Darksouls came out in 2011 originally  for the Playstation 3 and Xbox 360. In 2012 out came the Prepare to Die Edition, including the base game and it's single DLC, coming out for PS3, Xbox 360, and Microsoft Windows. 

Undead Asylum

When you enter the game you're an undead locked in a cell. A body just dropped by a knight into your cell, containing a key. Once you walk out of your cell you realize that you're in a large prison filled with other undead, you're equipped with armor and a broken sword. While you walk through the halls you'll see various undead that at the moment are no problem, soon enough you'll find a later to climb up, keep walking and ta da! You'll see a bonfire. If you haven't played other souls games then there will be different bonfire around the world, each one restores all your health and magic, as well as bringing all killed enemies back to where they were, once you die you'll always respawn at the bonfire you died at. Now after resting at the bonfire go through the large door in front of you.

 After doing that you'll want to go directly forward then roll to the left through a door, once you walk forward a giant demon will fall down in the room, do NOT fight him, your broken sword does little to no damage to him. After going through the smaller door go through the following hallway, on the ground will be a few items and those are the weapon and shield you picked in your class selection screen. These will be much better than the broken sword so equip those. Keep going forward and fight a few enemies till you get a staircase, this part is tricky. Start to go up the staircase then squickly roll right off of it, a boulder will roll down the stairs and break the wall behind you. Inside the wall is the knight from before, talk to him and he'll give you your estus flask. It will heal you but you have a limited amount of five, your estus charge comes back after you rest at a bonfire.

Now go up the stairs, you'll fight a few more enemies then find a wall of smoke. You go through that and you'll be sitting on a balcony, looking over the room with the huge demon. Drop down and as soon as your character hits the demon's head use your attack weapon, you'll put your weapon into his head and depending on your weapon will take somewhere around half of his health away, he does big attacks, though they take a while to charge. Most of them are sweeping so you'll want to dodge backwards for a lot of then, whenever he's recovering from his attacks or charging up for them hack at him. Your weapon, no matter what it is, should do a fair amount of damage to him. Once he dies you'll get a key. Allowing you to open the big closed door in the back. Going through there you'll be outside now, on top of a cliff, if you walk to the very edge you'll be taken up by a large bird and brought to firelink shrine. Your central hub. Next time we'll go to the undead settlement and fight the Tauros Demon


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