Darksouls 3 Dragonslayer Armor Fight

Dragonslayer Armor

This is one of the two bosses in the Lothric Castle zone, the other one being optional this one needed to finish the game. This boss is a giant set of Iron Dragon Slayer armor wielding the Dragonslayers Great Axe. To actually get to the fight you need to go from the Dancer of the Boreal Valley bonfire, go up the ladder then go straight forward, then take a left to get to the elevator. Once you go up there the fogwall will be straigt across.

Dragonslayer armor deals Lightning and Physical damage, but is super weak to Fire Damage, so one of the various Fire Greatswords will be great against him, you might want to summon some people in for this fight, it's a lot easier to fight him if you have someone getting his attention while you hit him in the back.

Now, the actual fight. Walk around him, dodge through his attacks to the direction he's coming from, if he hits towards you dodge in the direction his hand is. If he swings from the right to the left, dodge right, then nail him a few times before he has the chance to hit again, he'll sometimes charge forwards you, dodge right or left. Then sometimes the Pilgrim butterflies in the sky will shoot at you, careful to dodge those, at that point focus on dodging those and him, not so much damaging him


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