Darksouls 3 How to Enter the DLCs

Darksouls 3 DLC

Darksouls 3 has a total of 2 DLCs at the moment. Ashes of Ariendel and The Ringed City. Each dlc bringing in a difficult zone and a few bosses, with tons of more items. The Ringed City being the more content wielding DLC out of the two.

Ashes of Ariendel DLC

This is the first DLC in the game that you are able to access, and the smallest out of the two. The DLC has two bosses, The Gravetender and Sister Friede. To actually enter the DLC though you need to get to the Cathedral of the Deep at the Cleansing Chapel bonfire you'll see the npc Gael. He's a red hooded NPC. Talking to him will eventually bring you to the DLC, inside of a cave next to a bonfire.

Ringed City DLC

The second DLC, The Ringed City is a whole lot harder and a whole lot harder to get to than Ashes of Ariendel is. There is two ways to get to the DLC. First way is through the Ashes of Ariendel DLC. Once beating Ashes of Ariendel's Last Boss there will be two bonfires. The first bonfire which is just your normal boss bonfire. But the second one across the room if you click it will take you directly to the Dreg Heap. The first zone on the Ringed City DLC. 

The second way to get to the Ringed City DLC is at the very end of the game. Right before the last boss fight, The Soul of Cinder, there is a bonfire a lot like the one in the Ashes of Arieendel, this one also taking you directly to the Dreg Heap


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