Darksouls 3 Crystal Sage Boss Fight

Crystal Sage Boss

The Crystal Sage boss battle in the Crucifixion Woods

Crystal Sage

Alright, this boss gave me a whole lot trouble the first time around and later runs through the game as well. This boss is needed to be beat to get into the Cathedral of the Deep, which is also how you get to the Ashes of Ariendel DLC.


The Crystal Sage is located in the Crucifixion Woods. From the Crucifixion Woods bonfire at the far wall there'll be stairs to walk up. From there kill all the enemies in the room and keep going. You eventually get to a point where there's three ways you can go and an undead in the middle of the room. Kill the undead and go right. Or if you go forwards can you walk up some stairs where you find Orbeck of Vinhelm, He'll sell your sorceries. From Orbeck you can drop down into the room that leads to the boss fight, from there go straight. A mini sage will be there by the fog wall waiting for you, kill him then go into the boss room for the fight.

Boss Fight

Once you go into the bossroom he'll be across the room. He has a spell where he'll shoot purple magic across the floor, dodge that. He'll also shoot magic crystals in the air. Then spawn magic crystals around him that'll shoot at you. You'll want to get in close and just start nailing him. If you do it right you can get him to half health right there. Eventually he'll teleport away and blue crystals will spawn out of the ground, just roll through those. Once he gets half health the music will change, then he'll teleport back and so will 4 other crystal sages, except that they use blue magic, and the main boss uses purple magic. The fakes will die with one hit. So you'll want to take them out with throwing knives or something, then get to main boss. Doing this you just have to dodge his attacks and eventually you'll get him.


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