Absolver Game Review

Absolver Game Review 

Absolver is an online martial arts third person view fighting game that released on august 29th of 2017. Upon release Absolver had massive server and connection issues. I bought Absolver the day it came out and wasn't able to get online till almost four months later when a patch was released. Besides that Absolver has a massive lack of singleplayer content, and all the singleplayer content it does has is really just building up to the final end game, the Multiplayer PVP.

Besides that though, Absolver is amazing, it's fighting system gives you a lot of customizability. There is four main martial arts styles in the game so far. Forsaken, Khalt, Windfall and Stagger. The first three you can choose from at the start of the game but you have to unlock the stagger style later on. Each Style gives you it's class ability and then an attack or defense boost towards different stats like dex, strength, health, ect.

And because different attacks favor different stats, Windfall giving more of a boost towards dex, Khalt doing that for Strength, and Forsaken a sort of mix between the two. Attacks that fall into each attack style will also favor each stats, for example if you're running a character heavily invested in dex chances are you'll do more damage using Windfall or Stagger attacks than Khalt. 

Do I like Absolver? I completely love it, in my opinion the game a few months ago was a pile of trash, laggy and unresponsive even if you were lucky enough to log in game. But now after no doubt countless amounts of time put in by the developers the game is a really fun experience if PVP is your kind of thing. Have anything else you like about Absolver or think I left out? Please let me know in the comments below!


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