What Makes PUBG a Great Game

Player Unknown's Battlegrounds

PUBG, I doubt I have to explain what it is but PUBG is a battle royal shooter. In PUBG 100 people get on a plane and a parachute down onto an large island with towns, vehicles even military bases. The end goal of each PUBG round is to be the last man standing and get the fabled chicken dinner. Once in the round, a circle will spawn on the map, large at first. At that point everyone tries to get into the large circle, everything outside of the circle with be outside a blue wall of death that looks suspiciously like an energy field. On through the round the circle was shrink and appear different places, making it so that in the later times of the round people will be fairly up close and personal.

Why PUBG Got So Popular

There's two things in my opinion that made PUBG so huge. One of them is obviously the streamers. PUBG has become a very popular game to stream on both Twitch and Youtube. With people like Shroud streaming PUBG who like 20-30 thousand viewers per stream and streaming almost everyday, PUBG is just destined to get popular with people like him and others streaming it. The other answer is that the game just feels real. You kind of actually have to think in PUBG about what's the smartest thing to do, you have to check corners, keep an eye out everywhere and such. There's so much you can do in PUBG as well. Should I snipe down everyone in sight at one of the tall buildings in the desert map? Or should I go high octane and land in the Military base?

That's my opinion about the game and why it's such a great game. Did you think I left anything out or have something else about PUBG you think makes it a great game? Let me know in the comments!


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