Injustice 2 Review

Injustice 2

Injustice 2 released May of 2017 as a sequel to Injustice: Gods Among Us. The injustice Series is a fighting game in the style of Mortal Combat with DC super heros with a story line of multiple realities and a civil war between the different superheros. In my opinion Injustice: Gods Among Us is just another fighting game, it had a good story but other than that it was bland. Injustice 2 completely stepped up it's game with singleplayer content and replayability value.

And Here's Why!

Injustice has a Multiverse System, there is five to six multiverse events you can do, each one you'll have mini events inside each one (AKA having to fight 3 to 18 enemies). Each Multiverse will give you a reward after beating it, and will sometimes require you to play only as one character. Mini events will also give you rewards, and if you get a certain amount of points you can get a Bronze, Silver, and Gold Mother Crate. Now let's talk about Mother Crates. The word "Loot Crate" or "Crate" now adays in video games has been deemed as a bad thing, but the way Injustice 2 does them is a lot more fair then you might think. You can indeed buy Loot Crates with real money but the fact is, you really dont need you. You get way more crates than you'll need just doing multiverse events.

In Conclusion

At the end of the day Injustice 2 is an amazing game, you can work hard and become the best at multiplayer pvp or grind up legendary gear to get the best time and score on a multiverse event. Theres tons of things to do in Injustice 2. Even the ability to charge the gear and color of the characters, which I know is a big deal to me and others as well. Have something you love about Injustice 2 that I left out? Please write it below in the comments I'd love to have a look.


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