How To Get The Most Out Of Your Darksouls 3 Playthrough Part 3: Damage Types

Darksouls 3 Combat

Darksouls has one of the best combat systems in any of the games I've played it. It's fair, there is many options and well, it's super enjoyable. Each weapon in Darksouls has it's own move set, although except for a few weapons that have the same move set. Each weapon also has a weapon art which can make a big deal when doing PvE or Pvp. Most boss weapons in Darksouls 3 have unique weapon arts that's usually something along the lines of shooting some sort of beam, making a wall of fire. Something like that. So in here we're going to be going over the different damage types so you can have and how to get the most bang for your buck.

Magic Damage Types

Magic Damage

Magic Damage is all damage dealt by Sorceries, weapons with a magic buff, or infused with one of the magic gems. How armor works in Darksouls 3 is you're not just gonna find a good set of armor that has good defense over everything. If you're going to be a Heavy Knight and wear armor that deduces physical damage taken then, you're not going to have much magic defense. So that's where Magic damage comes in handy, it's a good Anti-Knight type of damage, although Magic wont work well for you against other mages. Because Intelligence, the main stat that increases your magic also increases magic defense, the better you are at sorceries, the better you'll be against that. So enemies like the Crystal Sage and other players using magic will have a high defense against Magic Damage

Fire Damage

Fire Damage is done by Pyromancy, Weapons infused with Fire, or using Charcoal Pine Resin. Now, Fire damage is pretty magic the opposite of Magic Damage, Fire Damage deals extra damage to beast like enemies, and enemies without armor. But Enemies with heavy armor will have a lot stronger Fire Resistance. As well to heavy armored enemies, Fire damage does weak damage to Demons, Dragons, and Snake like enemies. If you're a pyromancer you'll find you have the most luck against armorless enemies like Murkmen or Basilisks.

Lightning Damage

Lightning Damage makes Fire and Magic damage look like fools. Lightning damage is caused by Miracles, Lightning infused weapons or using Golden Pine Resin. Lightning deals extra damage to Knights, Dragon enemies, and enemies without Armor. Making it a good damage against pretty much everything except other people using lightning damage, it's weak to that.

Dark Damage

Dark damage is caused by weapons with Dark Infusions, Dark Pyromancies or Sorceries, or Human Pine Resin. Dark damage is very powerful in general, but deal even extra damage to demons and fire using enemies.

Physical Damage types

Standard Damage

Standard Damage is the normal damage in Darksouls3 that most weapons will do, it does extra damage to fragile enemies but less damage to heavy armored enemies. All straightswords, most greatswords, great axes, and axes do standard damage.

Strike Damage

Strike damage is another type of Physical Damage but is caused mostly by fist weapons, Greathammers and hammers. It deals more damage to Skeletons and Heavy Armored Enemies.

Slash Damage

Slash Damage, is caused by Curved Swords, Curved Greatswords, Katanas, Reapers, and that kind of thing. Slash damage deals it's most amount of damage to unarmored enemies, but fails against armored enemies.

Thrust Damage

Last but surely not least is Thrust Damage, Thrust damage is caused by most weapons, though sometimes weapons main attacks will be Standard Damage, if that weapon has a heavy attack that is a poke like attack it will deal Trust Damage. Trust Damage is at it's strongest point when against Dragons, Wyverns, and Serpent Men.

Well there's my quick guide on weapon types for Darksouls 3. If you have anything i left out or any questions let me know in the comments below!


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