Ruiner Game Review

Ruiner Game Review 

Ruiner is a top down action shooter based in the year 2091 in a cyberpunk like world. In Ruiner your goal is to find your kidnapped brother and to uncover the truth about the worlds corrupt system with the help of a hacker friend that you know little to nothing about named Her. Ruiner was released on September 29 of 2017 for Steam, PS4 and Xbox One

If you're not a fan of Top Down Action Shooters Ruiner will keep you still wanting more with it's amazing story, art and character design. Inbetween missions you can walk around Southern Rengkok which is a hub like area where you can talk to characters and do side quests. There's a ton of awesome looking and interesting characters in Southern Rengkok you'll want to just spend all your time there, every time you meet a character or hear about one you'll get the info about them in your menu so you can read up on lore and such.

Combat wised Ruiner is very fast paced, you can dash, use melee weapons and shoot from a distance with a ton of awesome guns. You are also able to change your difficulty mid game if a boss fight or something is too challenging, but we all know the best way is to just git gud.

Theres my review of Ruiner, I'd one hundred percent give the game a solid 8/10 for story and character design alone. If you think there's anything I missed please let me know in the comments below!


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