Bloodborne: How To Get Blade Of Mercy Early

Blade of Mercy The Blade Of Mercy is a weapon in Bloodborne that can be either a normal sword, or twin blades. The BoM has somewhat small starting damage with a base 60 physical and 30 arcane. It is a pure skill weapon, so leveling skill will be a great idea for this weapon. At +0 it has a C ranking in Skill, then at +1 to +4 it has a B ranking, +5 to +9 it has an A ranking and at 10+ it has an S ranking. The BoM is a fast weapon, and great for fast combos. Infact, it's main combo happens to be an R1 spam. With the BoM you can get an 8 hit combo just with R1. While in transformed mode its L2 does a sweep attack then a back step. The best attacks for this weapon are attacks followed up by running or dashing, as it does 50% more damage when done so. Though the thing is, to get this weapon you normally have to go through Eileen the Crow's quest line then Defeat Rom, a later game boss. After defeating Rom you go to the Grand Cathedral and if you did her quest you fi...